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When It's Over, It's Not Over

One of the important pieces to planning and leading any ministry event is the evaluation after the event has been completed. When an event is over, it's not really over until you've taken the time to look back and thoughtfully consider how it went.

I've got a simple little formula I try to use. It's nothing scientific or comprehensive, but it gives a little structure to the process. It's a page that starts with a place for the event title and date at the top and then just six words:

  • Good: What was good? What parts would you hope to see repeated? What is worth celebrating?
  • Bad: What fell short? What needs to be avoided like the plague next time? Where do you need to do some follow-up or follow-through?
  • Tweak: What came close put didn't quite meet your hopes and expectations? What could be better if it was tweaked just a bit? What twist could you put on an idea to help it really take off?
  • Add: Now that you've walked through this experience and have seen how it all shook out, what do you wish you'd done differently? What'd you miss this time that you could put in there for next time? What's that idea you just didn't come up until you were in the middle of the whole deal?
  • Other Notes: Not everything that comes up in the followup conversation with your team fits into these above categories, so just put that stuff in here. What reminders would be helpful next time? What info would you want at your finger tips if there was another go at an event like this? What stuff do you need some little record of, just in case you're asked about it later?

That's it. And if it would help, you can have a copy of mine, if you want.

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