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7 Practices of Effective Ministry

This is the first in a series about the book "7 Practices of Effective Ministry” by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, and Lane Jones. In this book, they share the guiding principles for the leadership of North Point Community Church.

I want to say up front that I don’t think every local church should be a copy of North Point (and I think the folks at North Point would agree). I’ve not fallen into some sort of twisted ministry-lust with their church or anything like that. (They do have an absolutely incredible church!) Instead, I think every local church, given their unique local setting, needs to minister to people in a unique way according to God’s leading, I do, however, feel like this book gives some very solid principles for leadership that many churches would do well to consider.

Throughout this series I’ll briefly explain each of the seven practices they identify, maybe try to share a little of how I’m currently wrestling with that particular principle, and offer some fodder for discussion. It’s my hope that those of you who read and are interested in these ideas would help to make this a discussion by sharing in the comments for each post. Perhaps together we could all gain a bit more. (If you use an aggregatorBloglines, etc – I’ve added a feed for the comments on this blog to help you follow along.) If there’s lots of discussion or not, at least this will be a chance for me to more thoroughly work through these thoughts.

Two last things:
1) I highly recommend this book to anyone leading in ministry. Get it!
2) As a supplement to the book, there is a podcast series called ‘Practically Speaking’ available through i-Tunes or you can find the mp3’s here.

part 1 : Clarify the Win
part 2 : Think Steps, Not Programs

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