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clothed with compassion

Jesus was often prompted by compassion. He would act on behalf of those who were suffering loss, disease, and hunger.

so, it seems inevitable that those who follow Jesus must also show compassion in all of their decisions and actions. this is especially true for people suffering hunger, disease, and death.

as followers of Jesus, we cannot ignore the needy of the world. if our lives are modeled after the one we claim to follow, we will, like Jesus, see others with compassion. and seeing others with compassion requires the further step of doing something about the need.

hear the words of Colossians 3.12: "as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience."

we are called to "clothe ourselves with compassion." and this isn't just the "big stuff"

not just feeding hungry kids in foreign countries or curing aids but also making a difference in the lives of people you already know, people you see everyday, helping the hungry there in your own town, or encouraging those who are dying on the inside.

Jesus saw a need, had compassion, then sought to remedy the need. as christians we seek to model our lives after Jesus. the pain of the world should trigger our compassion and our effort to remedy the need.

as God's beloved, pray this week for eyes to see the needs around you. pray that God would show you the needs of people. pray for compassion that will prompt you to take actions to meet those needs with love.

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