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What’ll ya’ have?

Where I live, there is currently a pretty heavy debate about alcohol. There is a referendum to allow local establishments to serve alcohol ‘by the drink.’ As it is now, restaurants are allowed to serve beer and wine, but this would allow local restaurants to serve liquor and mixed drinks. I’ve been trying to listen to several voices and opinions, and am beginning to get an idea of where I stand on the issue. There are a couple of different perspectives.

One side of the story argues that this opens the door to increased local commerce. Allowing such sales would open the possibility to getting restaurants like Red Lobster and Applebee’s. This would not only create jobs, but would also encourage local spending. This would generate more local revenue, and … well, that leads to other positive economic stuff.

The flip side of the coin says that this is a vote on morality. Were the community to open it’s doors to serving alcohol in restaurants like this, there are a whole host of problems that would accompany the change. There is the increased likelihood of alcohol abuse, driving under the influence of alcohol, and the other ‘evils of drinking.’ We, then, have a moral responsibility to discourage these situations by voting against the referendum.

People go back and forth, arguing and rebutting basically these two points. “This will lure more industry to the area.” “This puts an unnecessary temptation out there.” “People are drinking anyway, in backyards and dirt roads (though I don’t know many who enjoy margaritas down some dirt road), so this just allows it to be regulated and sold in restaurants.” “Will this lead to bars opening downtown?” “You can’t legislate morality.” On and on and on…

A few things stand out to me. Some of the people I’ve heard speak out the loudest on the issue drink alcohol themselves. I have a hard time understanding how someone who is downing a six-pack Saturday afternoon on the golf course reasons that people shouldn’t be allowed to have a drink at dinner Friday night. And many of these same people who argue against allowing some of these chain restaurants into the area eat at these places in other nearby towns.

Locally, this is being built up as a religious vote. One of the local churches is very outspoken on it’s wishes that it’s members vote against the referendum, calling into question the devotion and faith of someone who would allow this.

I’m interested in trying to land on one side or the other by voting time early in November. What do you think?

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